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Genesis micronutrients use a combination of proprietary technology and high-quality raw materials to improve the absorption and movement of nutrients from the leaf to the plant growth points.

Genesis micronutrients are powered by NutriCharge technology.

  • NutriCharge technology helps protect nutrients from a tie-up with hard water.

  • Hygroscopic characteristics enable nutrients to adhere to the leaves longer in an ionic form on the leaf surface, extending micronutrient availability and improving nutrient efficiency.


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Genesis CROPMIX provides the base for strong plant growth and efficiency by delivering a comprehensive analysis of six essential secondary and micronutrients readily available in proper ratios to complement an NPK fertilizer program and maximize yield potential.

This synergistic blend of six essential secondary and micronutrients ensures even distribution and consistent, uniform delivery of secondary and micronutrients to each plant

8% Zinc EDTA. Zinc is necessary for chlorophyll and carbohydrate formation and proper root development. It is also essential for seed formation and maturity. Zinc deficiency is most common nutrient deficiency worldwide and yield losses of over 20% are possible even before any visual symptoms are recognized.


Boron is essential to the growth and development of the plant. Without adequate boron, growth is stunted. Boron is necessary for pollination and seed set and moving sugar or energy into the plant's growing areas.

Molybdenum helps to transform basic nitrogen into amino acids, which are building blocks for proteins.



5% EDTA chelated Manganese. Manganese is critical to photosynthesis and can help plants take in additional phosphorus and calcium. Sufficient manganese can help speed up crop germination and time to maturity.



5% chelated Iron. Iron is needed for the formation of chlorophyll in plant cells. It serves as an activator for biochemical processes such as respiration, energy transfer, nitrogen reduction and fixation and photosynthesis.
