Nitrogen enters the soil in three forms - nitrate, ammonium and amide . Ammonium form with a positive charge (NH4 +) readily converts to nitrate (NO3-) by a process called nitrification. The nitrate form (N0 3-) is most rapidly consumed by plants, but undergoes rapid leaching from the soil and the denitrification process, followed by the loss of nitrogen in the form of gaseous compounds (NO, N2O, N2 ).
NutriCharge EZ-N has a strong negative charge and attracts ammonium nitrogen cations (NH4+) . As a result the nitrification process - the transition of NH4 to NO3 slows. The plant gradually absorbs NH4 into the growing root system. Losses in the form of evaporation of NH3 (ammonia gas), leaching and denitrification of NO3 are significantly reduced.
Amide nitrogen (NH2) quickly transforms into ammonium (NH4+) and is also quickly attracted in solution by the NutriCharge EZ-N molecule .
EZ-N responses with UAN are significant because, in addition to the 25% ammonium content, 50% of the nitrogen from the urea component of UAN converts to ammonium in 2-4 days. Once added to the UAN, EZ-N binds to the ammonium, and then in the soil, urea converted to ammonium is captured in the EZ-N molecule holding it longer.
About half of the synthetic nitrogen applied to crops never reaches the plant. It volatilizes, leaches or is washed away with rain. NutriCharge EZ-N molecule adheres to ammonium, releasing nitrogen to the roots every day during the critical growth stages.
NutriCharge EZ-N treated nitrogen is a more predictable, more productive form of nitrogen.